We all know that maintaining a healthy diet is vital in terms of dDiabetes prevention
and treatment.
1. Olive oil----Oil lacks carbohydrates, and therefore does not raise blood sugar
levels. In addition, it slows the absorption of foods eaten along with the oil. Olive
oil is rich Omega 9 and Omega 3 which help maintain the flexibility of blood
vessels, allowing good blood flow. Also oil does not increase insulin levels, thus
reducing the non-insulin tolerance that exists in many people and causes an
increase in blood sugar levels.
2. Cinnamon--Many studies show that consumption of one teaspoon cinnamon
(5 mg) to three teaspoons a day has a positive effect on reducing blood glucose
levels. It was found that the cinnamon can make your cells more sensitive to
insulin. Thus, the cells convert sugar into energy more efficiently and control
the amount of sugar level in the blood. Diabetics who received cinnamon extract
daily for 40 days experienced lower levels of blood sugar after eating,
3. Green tea-Green tea contains the antioxidant EGCG, which helps to maintain
the flexibility of blood vessels and stabilizing blood glucose levels This element
reduces blood sugar levels and prevents its sharp rise after a meal consisting
mainly carbohydrates
4. Pulses-Legumes such as lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas are low in fat
and calories and also rich in fiber and protein. Dietary fiber slows the rate of
sugar absorption into the blood and reduces the glycemic load. They are a great
addition to soups, salads and a variety of other dishes.
5. Green vegetables-According to a study published in the British Medical Journal
fresh green leaves vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, spinach, Swiss chard
and parsley, and other green vegetables (fresh, steamed or frozen) such as
celery, cucumber, cauliflower, green beans and kohlrabi contain carbohydrates
that release hormones in the gut that reduce appetite. In addition, the researchers
found that these vegetables improves insulin sensitivity and thus better regulate
blood glucose levels. Eating vegetables like asparagus, garlic and Jerusalem
artichoke can help in cases of dDiabetes and obesity, and reduce the risk of type 2
dDiabetes because vegetables are rich in magnesium and are known as effective
6. Oatmeal-Oats contain a high percentage of fiber, B vitamins (especially B1),
vitamin E and antioxidants. The large amount of fiber causes a slower absorption
of glucose, and combining antioxidants makes the oatmeal recommended food to
stabilize blood sugar levels
7. Red Apples-A recent study conducted in Finland found that men who ate
the greatest number of apples (and other foods rich in quercetin) had 20%
less deaths related to dDiabetes or heart complications. Other good sources of
quercetin are red grapes, tomatoes, onions, green vegetables and berries.
8. Vitamin C rich foods-Studies show that people with dDiabetes have lower levels
of vitamin C in their body, so rich foods in vitamin C such as berries, citrus fruits,
peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, kiwifruit, tomatoes, etc are loaded with
antioxidants and are an excellent choice.
9. Cold-water fish-Those who suffer from dDiabetes are twice more likely to suffer
also from heart disease. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water
fish, can help to lower “bad “cholesterol and raise your “good” cholesterol.
Seafood is a great source for omega 3, such as: halibut, herring, mackerel,
oysters, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna and cod. Vegetables, especially green leafy
ones, such as: kale, parsley, mint, Brussle sprouts, spinach and watercress, are
rich in ALA, one form of omega-3 fatty acids (although ALA isn’t as powerful as
the other omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA). Ground flaxseed is also a good
source of omega 3.
10 . Dark Chocolate-Researchers from Tufts University in Massachusetts found
that dark chocolate improves cell sensitivity to insulin and significantly improves
the chances of avoiding dDiabetes. In addition, dark chocolate lowers blood
pressure and the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the body, and strengthens the
blood vessels.
11 . Grass fed beef-There are other things in beef other than protein, iron and
vitamin B. There is an element which is part of the beef fat which is called CLA
(conjugated linoleic acid). The most abundant source of CLA is beef from grass-
fed cows. Experiments have shown that CLA works to correct improper utilization
of blood sugar and helps fight cancer and heart disease. In a recent study in
Norway scientists have added a few grams of CLA to the daily diet of 180 people.
12. Apple Cider vinegar (ACV)-The effect of ACV on blood sugar levels is one of
the best researched and the most promising. Several studies have found that
vinegar may help lower glucose levels.